The selection of the Truck Wash Equipment and Truck Wash Equipment Prices eventually, depend upon the type of Truck Wash Equipment selected by you.

The Truck Wash Equipment come in combinations of various technologies and constructions. The selection depends upon the type of vehicles / trucks / buses one intends to wash along with the the number of vehicles to be washed in a day or in an hour.

The Bus Truck Wash Equipment in Australia are differentiated in the following way based on the construction of the equipment :
  1. Trolley Truck Wash Equipment : Also known as Gantry truck Wash Equipment, consists of a trolley which moves on rails. The vehicle is driven inside the wash bay and is parked at a designated position. The trolley moves over the vehicle performing various operations. Such systems should typically take about 5 - 15 minutes based on the length of the vehicle and number of passes / operations performed.
  2. Drive Through Truck Wash Equipment : These type of Truck Wash Equipment are suited for applications where a large number of vehicles are required to be washed in a short duration. For example, school buses, trucks leaving mining area etc.  The truck is driven through the system without stopping, however, the performance of the washing system is directly related to the speed at which the driver drives the vehicle in it.

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