Car Wash Water Recycling System

The best way to Conserve Water
is to reuse the Water.
Car Wash Water Recycling System is one of the most important part of a Car Wash Business. Some counties have made it mandatory to treat the car wash effluents or the car wash water water before releasing into the storm drain.
While one might be environmentally conscious, every one has to surrender before the customers' requirement of having a clean car. Well, cleaning Casr is the very purpose of your business right?
So how do you solve Car Wash Water Recycling problem?
Well, there two ways of handling this situation:
- Recycling the Car Wash Water and reusing it to wash cars.
- Treating the water and draining it.
Water Recycling System for Car Wash
Though it might look complicated, but for most Car Wash Setups, recycling the car wash water might not be as difficult. The system consists of 4 stages but even the first three stages are enough if the water does not have dissolved salts in it.
The Car Wash Water Recycling System consists of :
- Oil Sludge removal
- Multimedia Filteration
- Activated Carbon Filtration
- Water Softener
- Aeration Process
Car Wash Water Recycling Equipment Cost
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Stage 1 - Oil and Sludge Seperation
When the water is sprayed on the car, the water picks up oil from the wheel bearings, oil film on the body, brake dust , sludge, salt etc from the cars which get washed. These impurities enter the drain along with the water. The oil and Sludge separation which is the first stage in the Water Recycling process, helps to reduce the load on the Water Recycling system.
The Skid 1, which the Oil and Sludge Separator helps in removing majority of sludge and oil from the water. This system uses Coalescing technology to separate water, sludge and oil. The water over flows to the outlet, the sludge is conllectedin the hopper and the oil gets collected in the oil chamber. Like the W100 water recycling system, Skid 1 ia also automatic and does not require any manual intervention for service usage.
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