KKE is one of the best manufactures present in market. All the equipment of KKE wash system have hot dip galvanized structure and stainless steel body. Rustproof and driven by Artificial intelligence.

KKE manufactures car wash system. Based on the way of cleaning vehicle washing technologies can bifurcated in various types as follows:

·                     Brush type/  Friction

·                     High pressure/ Touchles

·                     Drive thru combination of brush and tochless

Brush type car washing terminology used for better cleaning where vehicle have hard dirt sticking on and minimum use of chemical.

High pressure type washing terminology used for vehicle which have dust kind of dirt.

Whereas a combination of both high pressure and brush type gives excellent cleaning. Here customer have choice to choose with what they want to wash their vehicle.

KKE manufacture variety of car wash machines as follows:

·                     Speedoclean

·                     X-series (X1.1 , X2)

·                     Gamma series ( Gamma 9m, Gamma 12m, Gamma 18m, Gamma 30m)

For more details please check : www.kkewash.com

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