KKE Soteco (www.kkesoteco.com ) a sister concern of KKE Wash Systems, an expert in Management software like CRM and ERP systems have a product for vehicle wash business. The software is called Vehicle Wash Profits and is a CRM for Vehicle Wash Business while taking care of operational issues.

KKE Soteco : CRM Software for Car Wash Business

Vehicle Wash Profits is a vehicle wash business management system and is primarily based on the internet cloud. This helps in accessing the software from anywhere and replicated for multiple sites and all data consolidated.

The system is built with ISO 9001 Quality Management System in view and the software helps you in getting the best out of the available resources.

Being a Car Wash Owner you would always be interested in getting to know about the statistics of number of cars and the income of the car wash bay. Vehicle Wash Profits , handles your billing, stock , man power, equipment maintenance and lot more.

Vehicle Wash Profits helps you do what you started the car wash business : to make money.


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